Creating & Maintaining a Wedding Budget

September 6, 2024

If you are recently engaged, congratulations! After engagement there is a rush of emotions and thoughts that flood in all at once. As you approach the substantial task of planning an entire wedding, you may be asking, “Where do I begin?” Determining an overall budget should be at the very top of your list.

First Things First 

We know that jumping into venue tours and researching florists can be so fun! Before you jump too far into any of these wedding activities, ensure there is an established budget. Wedding planning becomes significantly easier when you know the exact perimeters you are working with. A structured budget will inform all of your major wedding planning decisions. It is difficult to back pedal if you make a budget after you’ve started to book wedding vendors. Once you know what budget you will be working within, then the fun research can begin! 

Everyone on the same page

How can you begin to form a wedding budget? Start with having conversations with key decision makers who are contributing financially to your wedding. Discussing a budget can be an uncomfortable subject to broach, however, being on the same page with everyone involved will make for a smooth wedding planning season.

Deciding Priorities

After you have established a general wedding budget, you will need to decide which aspects of the wedding budget are the largest priorities. Ask yourselves, “What are two or three aspects of the wedding that are most important to us?” It could be the food, photography, or even flowers. Knowing these priorities will help inform decisions and decide how to reflect priorities in the budget. 

Write it out

Always remember to write it down! With so much wedding information coming your way it will be difficult to keep track of your budget goals if it is not written out clearly. This detailed budget will be something you will want to reference and update frequently as you begin researching and booking vendors. 

Budget for the Unknowns

Although there are many costs you’ve taken into consideration in your budget, there may be some unforeseen expenses that pop up as well. Remember to account for those unknown costs that will inevitably arise. For example, vendor tips and printed materials are often forgotten about in the budgeting process.

Be creative 

Now that you know which aspects are the most important priorities, you will also know which are not as important. For those budget items that are not priority, how can you save? What are ways you can find used items, make things yourself, or just find less expensive alternatives? This may require research and some creativity, but there are always ways to make a wedding beautiful and meet your budget at the same time.  

Circle Back 

Now that you have established a wedding budget, the fun can begin! Although don’t forget to keep reference your budget along the way. Remember to update your budget with exact costs as you sign contracts with vendors. Continue to have meetings and strong communication with those involved in the budget and payments along the way.

Seek Help 

Lastly, don’t forget you can seek help. Planning a wedding can be a daunting task when you have never planned one before. Even more difficult can be creating a budget from scratch when you are unfamiliar with wedding costs. One of the amazing benefits of hiring a comprehensive wedding planner is gaining advice, experience, and guidance from someone who has planned several weddings in your area. We love providing this service at the beginning of our planning process. 

A gorgeous and well planned wedding begins with creating a budget that is organized and reflects your vision and priorities! 

Photography @aberrazioni_cromatiche_studio; @margaretstradaphoto; @elliemckinneyphotography; @yourgirlmark; @kylajeanette

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