What is one day you wish you could relive over and over again?
For me it has to be my wedding. That perfect day was a dream and I don’t think there will ever come a time I won’t be thinking back on every single one of its magical moments.
Many of us dream about our wedding for many years. Engagement comes and we start planning out wedding details over the next several months. When that day finally comes we try to soak up every minute wishing there was a way to press pause.

Your wedding day is just the beginning of a lifelong marriage; the very beginning of an important new chapter. Why hold onto memories from just one day? Savoring these memories allows you to remember the beautiful moments from the day you vowed to love your spouse unconditionally. So, each one of those precious moments from your wedding will be memories you never want to let go of.
There are several memory keeping traditions for newlyweds, like the classic freezing of a wedding cake slice for the one year anniversary! While this tradition is fun (if you like one year old cake!), we have put together our favorite unique ways that you may not have thought of
to keep your wedding day memories alive for years to come.
Preserving memories with flowers
You can preserve your wedding bouquet in a few different ways, so that even though the original petals fade, the memory will live on in your house.

The classic way to preserve a bouquet of flowers is to dry them out. Although easy, drying out flowers will take some thinking ahead. You will want to assign someone else to keep an eye on your bridal bouquet during and after the reception. If you’re headed off on a honeymoon adventure following the wedding, make sure someone is in charge of taking care of your bouquet. After a couple of days of enjoying the bouquet, remove it from the vase and water and hang the bouquet upside down while it still is healthy. Let your bouquet hang for several weeks. Once fully dried you can prop that bouquet back up and enjoy for years to come.
Some alternative ways to preserve your wedding bouquet is to commission a painting of it or preserve flowers in resin. For an even more meaningful keepsake, you can preserve flowers within wedding ring holders like these! Catholic brides, check out these lovely rosaries that can be embedded with your wedding flowers.
Preserve memories with print
We take photos everyday, but those photos often never leave our phone or computer. Living in a digital age, we sometimes forget the joy of having tangible items to hold and look at apart from a screen. Almost all wedding plans these days include a professional photographer. No one needs to be convinced of the importance of capturing memories through photos, but don’t forget to print your photos to then be enjoyed along with your spouse, parents, children and even grandchildren one day.
I have always loved looking at old photos. Whether photos of my parents or grandparents, it is special to get a glimpse into their past. When I was young, my parents would take out their wedding album each year on their anniversary. I would flip through those photos for hours loving to listen to the stories from that day over and over again. So, make sure to take the time to print out your beloved photos by putting them into an album. Maybe your children will also love flipping through those pages one day. Albums make excellent anniversary gifts for your spouse or Christmas gifts for your parents or in-laws too! And, most photographers will be able to recommend a company they have used and can vouch for their quality.

In the same way, don’t forget to print out your favorite captures to frame around your house, because nothing compares to the joy of a bride and groom on their wedding day!
Besides photos there are other unique ways to preserve wedding memories on paper. For example, print out the sheet music of your first dance or the words of the vows you exchanged. This can be not only a special reminder of a memory but of the promise you made.
Preserve memories with other wedding artifacts
That wedding dress that you dreamed of wearing your whole life will fade over the years. Remember to have your dress cleaned and professionally preserved so that you can hold onto that artifact from your special day.
Likewise, spend a little extra on those bridal accessories even if you will only wear them once. I love that my bridal jewelry is displayed in a glass box on my dresser. Not only is it a pretty adornment to my dresser top, but a reminder to me each morning of that beautiful day I became a wife to my wonderful husband. Maybe those gorgeous earrings, hair clip, or veil can be something you pass down to a daughter, niece, or friend on their special day.

While memories will continue to be made as husband and wife, take the time to create and cherish reminders of your wedding day; the day when it all began. You won’t regret it!
photography: @anendlesspursuit, @kylajeanette, @aberrazioni_cromatiche_studio